A Majestic Visitor: The Texas Horned Lizard at Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery

The presence of the Texas Horned Lizard at Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery is a testament to the power of nature and the importance of sustainable practices.
We not only provide a serene, nature-filled experience for our visitors but also contribute to the conservation of native species like the Texas Horned Lizard.

At Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery, we pride ourselves on being more than just a final resting place for loved ones. We are a sanctuary for nature, a place where wildlife can thrive, and a space for our community to connect with the natural world. Recently, we were honored to welcome a particularly special guest: the elusive Texas Horned Lizard.

The Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum), also known as the “horned frog” or “horny toad,” is a fascinating and iconic reptile native to the Lone Star State. With its distinctive “crown” of horns and cryptic patterns, this tiny yet mighty creature is a symbol of the region’s unique biodiversity. However, in recent years, the Texas Horned Lizard has become increasingly rare due to habitat loss and the decline of its primary food source, the harvester ant.

When the Texas Horned Lizard was spotted basking in the sun on our peaceful grounds, we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in the thriving ecosystem we’ve helped create. Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery is dedicated to preserving and protecting the environment through sustainable practices and conservation efforts. By promoting the growth of native flora and providing a safe haven for local wildlife, we are contributing to the preservation of species like the Texas Horned Lizard.

This remarkable reptile has a few fascinating characteristics that set it apart from other lizards. The Texas Horned Lizard is covered in a series of sharp horns and spines that not only serve as a formidable defense against predators but also help with camouflage. Its coloration and patterns blend perfectly with its surroundings, making it a master of disguise.

Another fascinating trait of the Texas Horned Lizard is its ability to squirt blood from its eyes as a defense mechanism. When threatened, this remarkable creature can shoot a stream of blood up to four feet away, aiming for the eyes of its attacker. This blood-squirting ability, combined with its impressive camouflage and spiky armor, make the Texas Horned Lizard a true survivor.

The presence of the Texas Horned Lizard at Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery is a testament to the power of nature and the importance of sustainable practices. As a green cemetery, we focus on minimizing our impact on the environment by using biodegradable burial materials, avoiding toxic embalming chemicals, and preserving the natural landscape. By doing so, we not only provide a serene, nature-filled experience for our visitors but also contribute to the conservation of native species like the Texas Horned Lizard.

The recent sighting of the Texas Horned Lizard at Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery serves as a reminder of our commitment to environmental stewardship and the importance of preserving the natural world. We are proud to be a place of harmony, both for our community and the local wildlife, and we look forward to welcoming more species as our green cemetery continues to flourish. So next time you visit Unbroken Circle Green Cemetery, keep your eyes peeled for our regal reptilian friend – you never know when you might spot a tiny Texas treasure.